Improve data structure, quality, performance Propose improvements and road maps

    데이터 진단과 개선

    Provides customized consulting for company

    Diagnose the structure, quality, and performance of current data to identify the problems and propose improvements and road maps.
    Among these, we immediately suggest improvement methods and Quick-Win tasks

    컨설팅_데이터 컨설팅(EDF 소개)

    Present Quick-Win tasks and Big-Win tasks per unit

    • 01

      Analysis of current data structure/quality/performance status and
      present improvement directions and road maps suitable for the situation

    • 02

      Based on data structure/quality/performance diagnosis,
      it is divided into Quick-Win task and Big-Win task.
      Also, specific improvement activities are presented and
      executed for short-term and long-term improvement items.

    • 03

      In the case of data quality diagnosis, customized consulting is
      provided for each quality management purpose such as Revenue-Assurance,
      DQC quality certification, and public data quality level evaluation.

    • 04

      Technology transfer and training after the execution of
      improvement activities on each area for continuous management

    Data diagnosis process
