ISP/PI Service Providing IT strategic services appropriate to the company goal


    Provide ISP/PI service by IT power through en-core's data consulting

    Establish a flexible and efficient DA deployment strategy that can quickly respond to changes in the corporate vision, mission and
    business goals and IT technology environment.

    컨설팅_데이터 컨설팅(EDF 소개)

    Professional data consulting

    • 01

      Linkage between management and IT strategy To-Be concept model design based on IT strategy linkage

    • 02

      Process optimization Improved consistency and data flow optimization

    • 03

      Service individualization/differentiation Service individualization and expansion by creating logical business-related topics and service objects

    • 04

      Improve business flexibility Minimize data structure changes when business changes by applying meta structure

    • 05

      Digital platform application Pre-adoption of data design considering the
      integration of NoSQL and data lake

    Suggest direction reflecting business goals and the latest IT environment
